Cancellation Policy
Returns & Exchange
Should you wish to return all or part of your order, you need to inform us within
2 business days of receipt of the package. You can inform us by writing to us at or calling us on 022 22071229 between 11 am to 6 pm, on business days.
Returns will only be accepted for products that have been damaged in transit or products that have physical defects or wrong product sent. Return requests will be validated over the phone by Fantasie Fine Chocolate team and instructions on how to return the product will be provided via a confirmation email. The product (s) should be returned within 2 working days of receiving the confirmation email. On receipt of the returned product, Fantasie Fine Chocolate will proceed to inspect the same and validate the claim. Once approved as an eligible return, a refund or replacement will be issued. If the product is found to not be eligible for return, the product will be couriered back to you. The inspection and validation of the claim will take place within 7 working days of receipt of the returned product (s). Refund cheques will be made in the registered name of the customer only.
You will be updated throughout the return process at the following stages:
- A validation call on receipt of the return request
- Instructions via a confirmation email following the validation call
- Confirmation of receipt of the returned product
- Update on inspection and validation of the claim within 7 business days of receipt of the product
Cancellations will be possible provided an order has not been shipped. Orders once shipped cannot be cancelled.